Edgar Hawdon and Associates Ltd

Geophysical Surveying Services

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First Example of Processed Resistivity Analysis   
second example
third example

Movement of leachate through the base of a land fill

This survey was carried out across a raised landfill site in Southeast England, just north of the Thames. Domestic waste had been used to fill an old quarry, the area being well-sorted sands of the Reading Beds.

Resistance measurements were taken using some forty electrodes at a spacing of 5 meters. The site had been clay capped and therefore afforded good coupling.

Due to elevation changed across the site the results were corrected to a datum therefore the inverted image should be viewed as section measured from this line.

The electrical image shows a low resistivity zone in the centre, which corresponds to the landfill, it also suggests that it had a sharp northern boundary but not a clear southern one. The form of the landfill was known from boreholes and its profile has been marked on the section. It is clear that the area of low resistivity extends below the landfill and in a southerly direction and represents a plume of contamination extending from the base of the site. This is consistent with the direction of ground water flow through the sands.

For further information:
Contact Keith Hawdon +44 7768 634 583
[email protected]